But I'm super excited for our launch into this adventure in homeschooling. This month Isaiah graduated from Kindergarden, enjoying simple science lessons, speaking Chinese like a local and really excelling in math. He started piano lessons this spring with a stellar teacher that comes to our home once a week... and I finished going through the 100 Lessons to Teach Your Child to Read with him in March.
This fall we'll be working on the My Father's World 1st grade basic package... aiming to cover 5 subjects a day:
- Bible
- World (geography and prayer- I'm really excited to be spending more time in prayer with our kids for the projects and the people we get to support and for governments and needs in our world)
- Math
- Literature: Reading living stories, Comprehension (Narration- Simply Charlotte Mason has great tips for narration and living stories)
- Alternate between Handwriting & Science
Of course, this will all be supplemented with lots of intentionality to develop more handicraft skills and with vitally important attention to character and personal development.
Isaiah will be starting with Math Mammoth at the second grade book after I finish just a few chapters on telling time and American money from the first grade book. Marian is looking ripe and ready for the first grade math book. How fun!